Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Friday, November 26, 2010
Deeper instinct and prescience
This prescience is an elegant path for any future. One thing I have noticed is that it helps to ignore the failings (if so) among those one is aligned with at a certain level however valid the reasons, as also attempt to function with them in spite of their being excruciatingly demanding and boorish: truly ways of manipulations, and not as we often perceive them to be -- mere harmless idiosyncrasies.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Incestuous smugness and Self-loathing
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Momentum & Change
The rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the impressed force and takes place in the direction of the force. (Newtons 2nd Law of Motion)
(excerpts from Why Germany Has It So Good...)
Geoghegan: You see a story in the New York Times every six weeks -- ever since I graduated from college in 1971 -- about how Europe is going to collapse. They come out like clockwork.
McNally: I pulled one of those Times articles in May when the Greek crisis was hot. The headline: "Europeans Fear Crisis Threatens Liberal Benefits." But you point out that when a country like Germany takes something away from the safety net, they usually balance it with a benefit.
Geoghegan: They cut back on holiday and they add a nursing home benefit. But the US press always focuses on the cutback. One of the reasons I wrote this book was to show that there's a leadership class over there that is very clever about these things. I don't mean in a spurious, tricky way, but actually thinking, "What do we have to cut back now so that we can go forward in the future?"
To quote a wonderful line from the Lampedusa novel, The Leopard: as the old order is collapsing, the Sicilian aristocrat says to his young prince, "We have to change so that everything remains the same." How do you change social democracy so that you preserve it, and maybe even create an opportunity to expand it in a year or two when the wheel of fortune turns again?
Geoghegan: You see a story in the New York Times every six weeks -- ever since I graduated from college in 1971 -- about how Europe is going to collapse. They come out like clockwork.
McNally: I pulled one of those Times articles in May when the Greek crisis was hot. The headline: "Europeans Fear Crisis Threatens Liberal Benefits." But you point out that when a country like Germany takes something away from the safety net, they usually balance it with a benefit.
Geoghegan: They cut back on holiday and they add a nursing home benefit. But the US press always focuses on the cutback. One of the reasons I wrote this book was to show that there's a leadership class over there that is very clever about these things. I don't mean in a spurious, tricky way, but actually thinking, "What do we have to cut back now so that we can go forward in the future?"
To quote a wonderful line from the Lampedusa novel, The Leopard: as the old order is collapsing, the Sicilian aristocrat says to his young prince, "We have to change so that everything remains the same." How do you change social democracy so that you preserve it, and maybe even create an opportunity to expand it in a year or two when the wheel of fortune turns again?
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
A venomous state of Being
--Antra, Tanha Tanha Mat Sochar kar, Mehdi Hassan ke ghazal se
If its in ones nature to be venomous--"it" could attack at any moment, so
why waste much thought over "it."
--Opening from the ghazal Tanha Tanha Mat Sochar kar by Mehdi Hassan
in Konkani:
Zecho bes zaun assa viisecho, zalear gans pois na, tor ten chintim
(In those of venomous character, the bite/strike is not far behind, so
don't consider them--leave them alone) --Survat chi olli Mehdi Hassanachem
ghazalatun Tanha Tanha Mat Sochar kar
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Realization: Education
I came to a realization today, that I am tremendously fortunate not to have studied with certain teachers, and also fortunate to have studied with some serious sycophants. Needless to say, one learnt a lot that I did not have to. The egalitarian approach was not taught, but was a gift. So no need for pitiful strategies.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Vulgarism in the visual imagination
Saturday, August 28, 2010
This read on Mathangi “Maya” Arulpragasam may twist your synapses a bit. Perhaps quite a bit. filename=hub040910MLAruins.asp
Saturday, August 14, 2010
John Aki-Bua
In 1972, after only one international competition, Akii-Bua arrived at the Summer Olympics in Munich, Germany. His opposition in the 400-meter hurdles included Dave Hemery of Britain, the world record-holder and defending Olympic champion, and Ralph Mann, an American. His only pair of running shoes was two years old, and one shoe was missing a spike.
But he was built ideally (6 feet 2 inches and 170 pounds), and he had trained with frightening intensity. In the six months before the Olympics, his training had included wearing a vest weighted with 25 pounds in lead as he ran 1,500 meters over five hurdles that were 42 inches high -- the hurdles for his race were 36 inches. He did four sets of those repetitions, twice a day, every day.
He won the Olympic gold medal in 47.82 seconds, a world record, leaving the silver medalist, Mann (48.51 seconds), and the bronze medalist, Hemery (48.52), six meters behind. Then he ran a victory lap and jumped over the hurdles again.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Kobayashi Issa_sari nagara
Tsuyu no yo wa tsuyu no yo nagara sari nagara
The world of dew --
A world of dew it is indeed,
And yet, and yet
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Reading Meaning and "Greatness" of any Art rooted in Religion, in terms of collective consciousness
I am at least 15 years away from writing from/for the Hindu side; ie., of course, if no one else does (it is very difficult needless to say), or my interests change even further, and if I do not completely move into oblivion. Part of it is also that I am not a scholar, in the way I understand that form of knowing, and do not wish even a quarter-baked scholar to consider going after me. There are better things to do with ones time. One need more methodology to include of course the qualitative.
But I trust that the progeny of the mahants, our erudite litterateurs both Hindus and Christians, also of assorted high-profile businessman and scholars will rectify the paucity of expressive texts connecting the visual to the spiritual, to the existential, and to lived aesthetics.
Read John Berger's Ways of Seein; Art and Revolution: Ernst Neizvestny, Endurance, and the Role of the Artist, as also Ben Shahn's The Shape of Content, as eloquent texts in forming understanding.
The Meaning and Greatness of Christian Art
© 1993 by R.J. Rushdoony

Art is the making well, or properly arranging, of anything whatever that needs to be arranged
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Sex and Work: Drawings for HIMAL South Asia
Sex and the pity
By: Meena Saraswathi Seshu
The stigmatisation of sex workers stems from misconceptions and squeamishness about sex.
By: Srilatha Batliwala
Despite decades of tension between feminists and sex workers, it is finally becoming clear that the former has much to learn from the latter.
Despite decades of tension between feminists and sex workers, it is finally becoming clear that the former has much to learn from the latter.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
The Lost Supper
Sorvespor kitlo boro, tacho mae mog shim naslolo
If I was a Bishop, I would give this cartoonist an award OR have him talk at a convention on Iconography. That would have turned some tables, heads, how about minds, and yes help people see the COVENANT that a Christian presumably carries within ones being (which is respected by the very many, including non-Christians).
The Times of India newspaper in my opinion did not cave in, meaning thats not a cave in--although it appears so. Imagine at least in Goa people ignoring the paper; that would not be cool for TOI. On the contrary, I believe it meant nothing for them to apologize. This apology is not a double standard vis-a-vis MF Hussian, other pariahs, social lepers, etc., who have hurt the sentiments of other communities--as many see it and say so. The difference in the Lost Supper is that there is nothing that should have offended the most holier than thou Christian. Other than, seeing the general contours of an image in a different light. HAVING SAID THAT, I have more than a faint feeling that it could be only recently that the large number of Indian Christians, MAY have seen the Da Vinci'd Last Supper, the real one This was a sentimental cry for an apology. Apologies are strategic positions taken/rendered by those who wish to avoid the possibility of loosing something further down. They are perhaps laughing their brains out at the Christians and the hierarchy--Dum vivimus, vivamus** (**Lets live while we live [[but in the wrong poverty of spirit]]).
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Bakibab Borkar
"If I am to be born again and allowed to choose my birthplace...
I shall choose Goa... because its scenic beauty
has a supernatural quality of refining the human mind
and turning it inward into the depths of creativity and spirituality."
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Being and Time
It has been good being a part of Interactive Design Dept. for the past many years; from the days of 16 color graphics! Working with the UN of Interactive. But, form changes, times change—a kind of shape-shifting, if you will.
“That moves and That moves not; That is far and the same is near;
That is within all this and That also is outside all this.”
Take care all.
venantius j pinto
My coordinates:, h phone, anytime: 212 928 3955,
No cell yet : )
Btw, some of my stuff is in this book, which also showcases among others R. Crumb’s books, and Stefan Sagmeister’s concept drawings:
Friday, July 2, 2010
Blah, Blah, Blah by Indra Sinha, after Bhopal Verdict
Monday, June 28, 2010
Ivo Coelho's, Philosophical Musings blog
नायमात्मा प्रवचनेन लभ्यो
न मेधया न बहुना श्रुतेन।
यमेवैष वृणुते तेन लभ्य-
स्तस्यैष आत्मा विवृणुते तनूं स्वाम्॥ ३॥
nāyamātmā pravacanena labhyo
na medhayā na bahunā śrutena |
yamevaiṣa vṛṇute tena labhya-
stasyaiṣa ātmā vivṛṇute tanūṁ svām || 3||
You cannot have the knowledge of the Supreme Soul by
means of reasoning, erudition, or studying of the Vedas;
Only through causeless mercy does He reveal His own
person unto him whom He does accept as His own.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Of “Phile” and Philia culturally speaking
Friday, June 18, 2010
Anjali Phyllis Mendes (niz Goeakan; a true Goan) passes away.
The snide among the pish-posh Indians called her kali-kaluti. Pierre Cardin cut his clothes on Anjali (a jolie) Phyllis for a little over twelve years. She was his muse.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Some thoughts on Yūgen (幽玄)
Yūgen pervades all Japanese arts including the budo of the martial arts. A word to signify “a profound, mysterious sense of the beauty of the universe… and the sad beauty of human suffering.”(Ortolani, 325). Ortolani, Benito. The Japanese Theatre. Princeton University Press: Princeton, 1995).
Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki, in Zen and Japanese Culture (New York)
Yugen is a compound word, each part, yu and gen, meaning “cloudy impenetrability,” and the combination meaning “obscurity,” “unknowability,” “mystery,” “beyond intellectual calculability,” but not “utter darkness.” An object so designated is not subject to dialectical analysis or to a clear-cut definition. It is not at all presentable to our sense-intellect as this or that, but this does not mean that the object is altogether beyond the reach of human experience. In fact, it is experienced by us, and yet we cannot take it out into the broad daylight of objective publicity. It is something we feel within ourselves, and yet it is an object about which we can talk, it is an object of mutual communication only among those who have the feeling of it. It is hidden behind the clouds, but not entirely out of sight, for we feel its presence, its secret message being transmitted through the darkness however impenetrable to the intellect. The feeling is all in all. Cloudiness or obscurity or indefinability is indeed characteristic of the feeling. But it would be a great mistake if we took this cloudiness for something experientially valueless or devoid of significance to our daily life. We must remember that Reality or the source of all things is to the human understanding an unknown quantity, but that we can feel it in a most concrete way.
As with Zeami’s yūgen, there is Rikyuu’s wabi (a sense of tranquil solitude), and Basho’s sabi. A world of aesthetics where all the forms evolved in the Muromachi period or descended directed from it.
Yūgen is exceeding hard to convey—it eschews the linear thought processes, and cannot be grasped, however much the logical capacity of our minds; but it does manifest upon encountering creativity, within ourselves, others, as also in insentient objects. And of course, creativity too is a source hard to fathom. Yūgen in that sense is the becalmed self free of anxiety, strategy, machinations, doubt—a self that expresses a form, a shape, a space, a movement, discovers a formula—which truly appears to evoke wonder in the one who experiences. An idea of mystery pervades the comprehension and feeling of seeing into something of the unknown that remains unknowable.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Nada te turbe
Nada te turbe by St.Teresa; from Eknath Easwaran's Purna पूर्ण (Full) in 1000 names of Vishnu.
Nada te turbe,
Nada te espante
Todo se pasa.
Dios no se mua
La pacienza
Todo lo alcanza.
Quien a Dios tiene
Nada le falta.
Solo Dios basta.
Let nothing upset you;
Let nothing frighten you.
Everything is changing;
God alone is changeless.
Patience attains the goal.
Who has God lacks nothing,
God alone fills all his needs.
Btw, it is amazing to see and be a part of the youth at Taizé sing a version of the above (in tandem with various Alleluia's, the Magnificat/s, Bénissez le Seigneur, Bless the Lord, etc. (Cluny chants), close to the Abbaye de Cluny (Eng.), France.
Na-da te tur-be,
nada te_es.pan-te;
quien a Dios tie-ne,
na-da le fal-ta.
Na-da te tur-be,
na-da te_es-pan-te
só-lo Dios
Nothing can trouble,
nothing can frigh-ten
those who seek God shall ne-ver go want-ing,
God a-lone fills us.

Saturday, May 22, 2010
[Goanet] IN THE NEWS-ESG: "Mangalore Air Crash Tragic Fallout of Criminal Negligence of Planning and Regulatory Authorities
Imagine, this could have been any one of us in the recent Mangalore Crash. And all for the cockiness of "chalta hai." (vjp)
Mangalore Air Crash Tragic Fallout of Criminal Negligence of
Planning and Regulatory Authorities
An Air India Express Boeing 737-800 aircraft arriving from
Dubai with 167 on board 2010 tragically crashed at Mangalore
International Airport at 6.30 am today (22 May 2010). It is
reported that the plane overshot the runway while landing and
fell over a cliff resulting in this disastrous crash. Very
few are known to have survived this horrific crash.
This was no accident, but the direct result of deliberate
failure of officials at the highest level in the Director
General of Civil Aviation, Airports Authority of India,
Ministry of Civil Aviation and the Government of Karnataka
for allowing this 2nd runway to be built in criminal
negligence of applicable norms and standards.
Such a strong charge is being made as the likelihood of this
kind of a crash (the worst case scenario) was predicted. A
series of Public Interest Litigations were fought by the
undersigned to stop the construction of this 2nd runway in
Mangalore airport on grounds that the design simply did not
conform to the most basic national and international
standards of airport design. The PILs also highlighted that
the airport does not conform with the most minimum safeguards
for emergency situations -- particularly during landings and
takeoffs, and could not have emergency approach roads within
a kilometre on all sides of the airport as required.
It is truly sad that because of the failure of key decision
makers at the highest levels so many innocent lives have been
lost. It is quite possible that many lives were lost as
emergency rescue teams could not access the crash site due to
the difficult terrain (a valley) for over a hour after the
incident, even though it was proximal to the site.1
Vimana Nildana Vistharana Virodhi Samithi (Local Communities
Alliance Against Airport Expansion), Bajpe and Environment
Support Group had repeatedly highlighted the high risk
expansion of the Mangalore airport during the late 1990s. The
expansion was proposed to enable flight movements of wide
bodied aircrafts, such as Airbus A 320.
Authorities were repeatedly informed that the proposal did
not at all conform with the standards prescribed for runway
design as laid down by the Director General of Civil
Aviation, National Building Code of India and Ministry of
Civil Aviation. Further, considering that the airport was
proposed for international flights, a case was also made that
the 2nd runway could not conform with International Civil
Aviation Authority standards due to terrain limitations.
No one in authority cared to listen to our fervent pleas.
This even when we demonstrated through a variety of
representations that that the site chosen for expansion at
Bajpe was surrounded by deep valleys on three sides of the
runway and did not provide for emergency landing areas as
This neglect of our legitimate concerns forced us to move the
High Court of Karnataka in a PIL in 1997 (Arthur Pereira and
ors. vs. Union of India and ors., WP No. 37681/1997). A key
concern raised was that the 2nd runway in Mangalore could not
meet the standards required in dealing with an emergency,
particularly during landings and takeoffs -- a time when air
crashes are most likely to happen.
The Airports Authority of India filed an affidavit in Court
dismissing all our concerns and stated this, amongst other
It is submitted that as regards the apprehensions
of the petitioner that the length and width of the
runway is insufficient for a plane making an
emergency landing, the same is without any basis.
It is respectfully submitted that all the
requirements as per the ICAO recommendation will be
met and that there has been no infringement of any
of the recommendation and limitation therein.
(Copy of this affidavit dated 14 October 1998 is
accessible at:
On the basis of this affidavit, Hon'ble Chief Justice Mr. Y.
Bhaskar Rao and the Hon'ble Mr. Justice A. M. Farooq (as
their Lordships then were) dismissed this PIL ordering as
It is stated that the fear of the petitioners that
the runway is insufficient for any emergency
landing of a plane is without any basis since
before the project is to proceed, the authorities
will be meeting the recommendations of the ICAO. It
is also stated that there is no basis for the
allegations made by the petitioners to the effect
that the various safety measures have not been
followed. That on the other hand they will be
getting all the relevant materials described by the
petitioners which will be followed in letter and
spirit without which the airport would not have
been conceived in the first place.
Thus it can be seen that the expansion of Bajpe
airport project is at the initial stage and the
second respondent has in their objections mentioned
above unequivocally stated that all the safety
measures etc., stated by the petitioners in their
writ petition will be followed during the progress
of the project and nothing can be said before the
lands are handed over to the second respondent.
Considering these facts, we are of the view that
the petitioners have rushed to this court before
commencement of the project itself and the writ
petition is premature. It is not, therefore,
necessary to consider the various grounds taken by
the petitioners in the writ petition to allege that
the respondents have been proceeding with the
project in a casual manner. There is nothing to
doubt about the statement made by the second
respondent in their objection statement and we are
sure that the respondents will be taking all
necessary measures under the different enactments
etc.., before proceeding with the project in
question. The writ petition stands dismissed.
(Emphasis added. A copy of this order is accessible
at: )
Even though alternative sites existed, the authorities
proceeded obstinately to expand the airport yielding to
pressures from business, real estate and hotel lobbies who
benefited immensely from an airport at Bajpe. Politicians
keen to make the expansion a part of their legacy overlooked
all concerns raised.
Even at the existing Bajpe alternative sites existed to
expand the airport, that conformed with most safety norms,
but this site was not pursued as it would affect large
landholders and influential people. Consequently, nothing
whatsoever was done to respond to the concerns we raised
about the risks involved in the 2nd runway.
The Airport Authority did not even have a proper feasibility
study, and claimed that such a critical information detail
would only be prepared after the land was acquired for the
airport. Surely this amounted to putting the cart before the
horse, for the study, even if eventually prepared, would have
been tailor made to justify the decision to so expand the
Distressed by such a turn of events and the absolute lack of
compliance with applicable norms and standards, we appealed
to the ICAO to intervene in the matter. The ICAO did not
respond and so we returned to the High Court with a fresh PIL
in 2002. In this exhaustively researched PIL many significant
concerns were raised and a case was made that the 2nd runway
could not conform with ICAO norms for the following reasons:
Minimum Area for Stop-way: At page 155 of the said
(ICAO) report, para 2-1 prescribes standards for
providing the minimum area for a stop way and/or a
clear way in the event an aircraft undershoots or
over-runs the runway. For instance, if an aircraft
has initiated take off, and a technical flaw
requires emergency stop, the standard prescribes
the minimum area that should be kept free to enable
such a stop. In the instant case, the runway
distance itself is about 2400 metres, and even if
the area left is most cautiously utilised, what is
left is only about 300 metres on each end of the
By the prescribed standard, this is far below the
required distance needed for an emergency stop way.
Therefore, the chances of an aircraft that has
achieved the decision speed forcing an emergency
stop are critically minimised, and the inevitable
consequence could be that the plane would come
crashing down the hillsides from a height of 80-100
metres on either side of the proposed runway.
(Emphasis added. A copy of the PIL is accessible
at: )
The High Court of Karnataka dismissed this PIL initiative by
their order dated 27 May 2002 (WP 20905/2002) stating the
No doubt, in an appropriate case, this Court can
issue directions, if there is gross violation of
fundamental rights or if the issue touches the
conscience of this Court, but not for personal gain
or political gain. The construction of 2nd Runway
and Terminal Tower in Mangalore Airport will
otherwise be in the interest of public.
Learned Counsel has not been able to show how the
construction of 2nd Runway and Terminal Tower in
Mangalore Airport will be against the public
interest. On consideration and in the facts of the
given case no direction as prayed for can be issued
in this PIL. The authorities concerned have to
complete all formalities as per law before
commencement of the project. Accordingly, this Writ
petition is dismissed.
However, it is made clear that dismissal of this
petition will not preclude the concerned
Authorities to take all necessary precaution and to
complete the formalities as per law before
proceeding with the project in question.
(Emphasis added)
In a desperate effort to stop the Mangalore airport from so
expanding and needlessly exposing innocent people to
unnecessary risk, we went on appeal against the High Court
order to the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India. Dismissing the
appeal, the Supreme Court ruled 07 February 2003 in
Environment Support Group and ors. vs. Union of India and
ors. [SLP(C) 1172 OF 2003] as follows:
We see no reason to interfere with the impugned
order. Accordingly, the special leave petition is
dismissed. We, however, clarify that in
constructing the Airport, the Government shall
comply with all applicable laws and also with
environmental norms. (Emphasis added. A copy of
this order can be accessed at:
One hopes with the benefit of hindsight that the Director
General of Civil Aviation or Airports Authority of India had
complied with this order of the Supreme Court and ensured
Mangalore airport was developed in full conformance with
applicable laws, standards and norms.
In case the current site was not feasible, they could have
easily explored alternate sites, as such sites did exist --
within Bajpe itself, or even in Padubidri, between Mangalore
and Udupi. Instead, the authorities preferred to view the
Supreme Court order as a victory, as did the Karnataka
Government and Mangalore Chamber of Commerce and Industry
which had systematically campaigned for the expansion.
Without any further hesitation the 2nd runway construction
began in 2004 and was commissioned in May 2006. No
techno-economic assessment, feasibility study, or even an
comprehensive Environment Impact Assessment was ever done for
the 2nd Runway. Simply put, the runway was built in
comprehensive violation of applicable laws, standards and
direction of the Hon'ble Supreme Court.
On 8th March 2004, we wrote to Dr. Naseem Zaidi, Chairman
(Addl. Charge) & Joint Secretary, Airport Authority of India,
Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India, reminding
him of the need to comply with the Supreme Court direction.
In particular we highlighted that "such action would
jeopardize passenger safety, put local communities to risk,
needlessly dislocate people by acquiring land on a location
that in no way could comply with the said provisions and
thereby contributed to gross wastage of public money and
resources." We did not get any response.
Six years later today we are mourning the unfortunate death
of so many people who should have been alive. We are clear
that this is no accident, but a direct result of the series
of deliberate failures of officials and key decision makers
at the highest levels of all authorities connected with the
decision to allow the 2nd runway to be constructed and
commissioned. Of course all sorts of explanations will be on
offer, but none of that can bring lost lives back or cure the
tragedy that has wrongly befallen so many families.
India today is frenetically building airports all
over, and for all sorts of flaky reasons. Such is
the political, bureaucratic and corporate pressure
to build and expand airports that anyone questing
the rationale is quickly dubbed as a "busybody",
"useless interloper", "promoted by vested interest"
and raising "frivolous" concerns.
To ensure such incidents do not recur, we demand that the
Union Minister of Civil Aviation orders an impartial
Commission of Enquiry into the causative factors of this
crash, especially investigating the absolute lack of
conformance with basic runway design standards and emergency
approach measures.
As a small tribute to those who lost their lives in this
tragic air crash, ESG offers to assist crash affected
families to initiate a damage suits against the Government.
We will also initiate criminal negligence proceedings against
all authorities connected with the decision to commission the
2nd runway at Mangalore in violation of the directions of the
Hon'ble Supreme Court. We take these corrective actions in
the hope they would serve as a deterrence against the
lackadaisical approach to critical decisions by key decision
Leo F. Saldanha
Environment Support Group
Cell: 9448377403
Arthur Pereira
Environment Support Group and
Vimana Nildhana Vistarana Virodhi Samithi, Bajpe, Mangalore
Cell: 9449208264/9481439921
1 That such a crash has occurred at the Mangalore airport is
unpardonable as a similar crash had occurred at this airport
over a decade ago. Fortunately the plane did not tip over
into the valley and all passengers, including Union Law
Minister Mr. Veerappa Moily, were fortunate to escape..
2 This safety standard of ICAO also applies to air crafts
when landing. It is truly sad that today's tragic air crash
could be a consequence of the lack of conformance with this
For further details, contact:
Environment, Social Justice and Governance Initiatives,
Environment Support Group - Trust, 1572, 36th Cross,
Banashankari II Stage Bangalore 560070
Tel: 91-80-26713559-61 Voice/Fax: 91-80-26713316 Email: Web: