Nada te turbe by St.Teresa; from Eknath Easwaran's Purna पूर्ण (Full) in 1000 names of Vishnu.
Nada te turbe,
Nada te espante
Todo se pasa.
Dios no se mua
La pacienza
Todo lo alcanza.
Quien a Dios tiene
Nada le falta.
Solo Dios basta.
Let nothing upset you;
Let nothing frighten you.
Everything is changing;
God alone is changeless.
Patience attains the goal.
Who has God lacks nothing,
God alone fills all his needs.
Btw, it is amazing to see and be a part of the youth at Taizé sing a version of the above (in tandem with various Alleluia's, the Magnificat/s, Bénissez le Seigneur, Bless the Lord, etc. (Cluny chants), close to the Abbaye de Cluny (Eng.), France.
Na-da te tur-be,
nada te_es.pan-te;
quien a Dios tie-ne,
na-da le fal-ta.
Na-da te tur-be,
na-da te_es-pan-te
só-lo Dios
Nothing can trouble,
nothing can frigh-ten
those who seek God shall ne-ver go want-ing,
God a-lone fills us.

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